In the footsteps of the open letter


11ок1In connection with the letter of Head of the electoral headquarters of the
“Peace and Development”party Varuzhan Gabrielyan in Facebook social network
on 23.03.2014, coverage of other media to it and other activities of the same party


Evaluating the initiative of a young representative of the political force towards trying to express active citizenship, we consider it necessary to touch upon certain observations in the footsteps of the open letter addressed to the Chairperson of the NKR Central Electoral Commission.

First of all, the trust that V.Gabrielyan (in this case) has on the legal regulation of the electoral processes in relation to the high awareness of NKR Central Electoral Commission, on one hand is praiseworthy and laudable, on the other hand, his concern in this context in other directions, unfounded.

 In connection with the observation of V.Gabrielyan in the mentioned open letter about the specific activities of the party “Free Motherland”, the Central Electoral Commission has received a number of clarifications from the electoral headquarters of that party (record of “Free Motherland” party of 23.03.2015, Video).

As for the readiness of the party “Peace and Development” to assist the Central Electoral Commission in the matter concerning the implementation of the notification features of the pre-election campaign, then, perhaps, in this case the party should limit the activities arising from its political goals.

The responsible staff of the three-level electoral system of the NKR are well aware of the mechanisms and limitations of the implementation of agitation, and will continue to be consistent in continuing commentary work already done in this direction, about which the whole community of the NKR will be constantly informed.

We ensure that all electoral commissions of the NKR adhere and will adhere to impartial and objective attitude to all participants in the elections, regardless of their status, political views.

It should be noted with pain about the style of work of the “Peace and Development”party outside the law, in connection with which the NKR Central Electoral Commission warns the party of the immediate termination of the implementation of the pre-election campaign, which has not started yet.

We should add that on the basis of oral complaints regarding this activity the Commission verbally warned the representative of the party on March 21 of this year, which did not follow response actions arising from Law.
Taking this opportunity, we once again remind that pre-election campaign by the respective participants of the NKR parliamentary elections scheduled for May 3 this year begins from March 30 this year, only after the registration of the candidates.
Electoral Commission will respond to any campaign activity carried out by 30 March, with the utmost rigor of the law.


NKR Central Electoral Commission